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Hysterosalpingiographic Findings Among Infertile Women in Uyo, South-Eastern Nigeria
Eastern Nigeria. Five hundred and eighty infertile patients aged between 18 and 42 years had hysterosalpingiography performed on them in the Radiology department of the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, and a
private radiological center both in Uyo,A a Ibom State Nigeriabetween 1st January 200 and 31st December 2005. Tubal occlusion was the most common pathology revealed in 45.5% of the patients followed by peritoneal adhesions (30.7%). One hundred and fifty patients (26.6%) had uterine fibroids, 22.8% had intrauterine synaechiae, 14.1% had hydrosalpinges and 1.0% of the patients had cervical incompetence. Only two patients had congenital anomalies ofthe uterus. Tubal occlusion and peritoneal adhesions were the most common pathological findings on hysterosalpingography. In our environment hysterosalpingography still remains an invaluable tool for assessing tubal patency in infertile patients.