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Bilateral Simultaneous Fracture of the Carpal Scaphoid Successfully Treated with Conservative Cast Immobilisation: A Case Report
OBJECTIVE: To report bilateral simultaneous fractures of the carpal scaphoid bones and their successful treatment with bilateral thumb spacia casts
METHODS: A 28-year-old medical practitioner presented with a day history of painful swollen wrists following a fall on both outstretched hands. He was fully examined and had both wrists X-rayed. He was subsequently treated with bilateral below elbowthumb spica POP cast.
RESULTS: He had previously been healthy until this fall. Physical examination showed a healthy looking young man in pain. There were swelling and tenderness over both anatomical snuff boxes with assoociated limitation of movements at the wrists. X-rays revealed an undisplaced scaphoid wrist fracture and proximal pole fracture on the right and left respectively. He was successfully treated with bilateral below elbow thumb spica POP cast applied over a period of eight weeks.
CONCLUSION: Although recent opinions tend to favour internal fixation for bilateral simultaneous fractures of the scaphoid bones to avoid prolonged cast immobilization and loss of man hours at work, they can be successfully treated with conservative cast immobilisation with comparatively early return to full activity.