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Congenital eye anomalies in Enugu, South-Eastern Nigeria
Method: In a retrospective non-comparative case-series study, the records of all patients with congenital ocular anomalies seen between January 1992 and December 1999, were analysed for types of anomalies, aetiology, sex and ages at presentation of all patients.
Results: A total of 54 cases were analysed: 25 females; 29 males (M:F=1:1.2). Congenital cataract was the most frequently occurring congenital ocular anomaly (42.6%); followed by congenital glaucoma (22.2%) and anophthalmia/microphthalmia and congenital esotropia (9.3%) each.
Conclusion: In spite of the limitations of this study our findings are similar to those in other studies.
Keywords: congenital, anomalies, eye
West African Journal of Medicine Vol. 24(2) 2005: 112-114