AOA Ogunleye
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University College Hospital, Ibadan
AO Adeleye
Neurosurgical unit, Department of Surgery, University College Hospital, Ibadan
KH Ayodele
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University College Hospital, Ibadan
MO Usman
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University College Hospital, Ibadan
MT Shokunbi
Neurosurgical unit, Department of Surgery, University College Hospital, Ibadan
An unsual case of penetrating nasal injury with middle skull base involvement, from fired arrow is reported. The arrow was surgically removed and the patient remains well with no sequelae. We therefore present this case because of its rarity. The anatomical principles underlying the surgical management of the lesions are discussed.
Key Words: Injury, Arrow, Nasal, Skull base
Un cas peu commun de la blessure natale perforante impliquant la base centrale du crâne à la suite de lancement d'un fleeche est l'objet de ce rapport. On avait enlevé la fleche à travers la chirurgie et la patient est en bonne sante sans aucun cas de la sequelle. Donc, nous présentons ce cas à cause de son rareté.
On a traité les principles anatomiques sousjacent la prise en charge chirurgique des lésions.
West African Journal of Medicine Vol.23(1) 2004: 94-96