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Treatment of ganglion using hypertonic saline as sclerosant

D Dogo
AW Hassan
U Babayo


Twenty-nine patients with ganglion of the wrist were treated in this hospital using hypertonic saline as sclerosant. All patients were treated as outpatients. Under aseptic conditions, the ganglia were aspirated using #18 hyperdermic needle. A mixture of 2cc of hypertonic saline and 1cc 1% xylocaine were injected into the empty cavity and crepe bandage applied for 24 – 48 hours. After a follow-up period of 24-36 months, there was only one recurrence which was believed to be accidental injection of the saline outside the empty cavity. This was treated by the same procedure.

The most common complication was swelling of the wrist and dorsum of the hand which were seen in 50% of cases. This subsided spontaneously within 72hrs of treatment. Severe pain necessitating ingestion of analgesics (Paracetamol) was reported in 6 patients (20%), which subsided within 48 hours.

It is hoped that this new treatment which is cheap and less invasive may be a break through in the treatment of ganglia which hitherto was characterised by high recurrence rate of up to 23%.

Keywords: Ganglion, Treatment, Hypertonic saline, Sclerosant.


Vingt-neuf malade avec ganglion du poignet était traite dans cette hôspital utilisant hypertonique salin comme sclerosante, Toutes les malades etait traitee comme consultation extenes. Sous conditions aseptique chaque ganglion était aspire employant 18 seringue hypodermique. Une melange de 2cc de hypertonique salin et 1cc 1% Xylocasine était injects dans la cavité vide et un bande relpeau mis pendant 24-48 heures. Apres une period de 24 – 36 mois de poursuite, il y'avez qu'un cas de reappanition peut-etre a cause de injection accidental de salin a exterieur de cavite vide. C'était traiter suivant la même methode.

Le complication le plus frequent était le gonflement du pour porgnet en 50% des cas. Sace de ganfler spontanement pendant 72 heure de traitement. Dandeur vcocentre necessitant le ingestion de analgesique (paracetamol) était reporter en 6 malade (20%), qui se baisser pendant 48 heures.

Ont espere que cet nouvaux traitement qui nest pas cher est moin invasive peut-etre un bond en avant dans le traitement de ganglion qui était characterise par un haut reapparition' de presque 23%.

West African Journal of Medicine Vol.22(1) 2003:13-14

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eISSN: 0189-160X
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