A national initiative recently launched saw the Nigerian Educational Sector orient towards integration of ICT into the learning process both as a subject and as a tool for diseminating other subject. As Nigeria aspires for technological growth, positive changesand priority must be assured towards educational values. Past educational theories seem not to cope with the information, ever-changing society. The need therefore arises, to develop alternative strategies that will help address its issues as well as develop new educational theories to bridge the gap. The long theory of constructivism will help teachers to realize how important it is for them to prepare students for challenges ahead. This study thus, presents constructivist theories with a view of ICT integration into education as an alternative delivery in the Nigerian Educational System. It highlights requirements necessary for such integration ranging from technical (media literacy) to claimed deeper understanding of informatics – stressing importance of ICT as an effective means of improving education if properly harnessed as it equips teachers for the task ahead. It also tries to bridge ICT and constructivism, highlighting the educational processes required by teacher and students to succeed in such new learning environment. Thus, such power shift in educational paradigm and structures will equip students to become knowledge producer, help teachers to emancipate students academically, in a framework that measures quality of engaged student’s learning.
Keywords: Constructivism, Rationale, informatics, productivity, meida literacy, lifelong