The study was about the design and development of Biometric Traffic Offence System (BTOS) that would ease storage and retrieval of traffic offence cases in the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) and the Traffic department of Nigeria Police force. The method used to manage traffic cases is manual; information collected daily is written on paper and stored in files for reference, thus making the captured cases susceptible to loss, easy access by unauthorized people and destruction. Data collection techniques such as interviews and observation were applied to get the necessary information from the Traffic officers in the FRSC Asaba, Delta State. The system developed captures the defaulters’ bio data, traffic offence committed and the charge for the traffic offence. The TCRMS makes the use of the camera that captures the photo of the defaulter and the biometric gadget that captures the defaulter’s thumb print for reference. All these are centrally stored in the database but are sharable with FRSC and Nigeria Police Traffic department which government departments work closely with police in regard to such offences. Different programming languages were used during the development of the system including Visual Basic for the front end and SQL Server2005 for the back end. The system is thus user friendly in the way it inserts, retrieves and updates user information. Recommendations for implementation and future development were made.