Research in Information and communications technology (ICT) is tilting towards the Singularity. Technological singularity refers to the hypothetical future emergence of greaterthan-human intelligence through technological means, resulting in explosive superintelligence. Since the capabilities of such intelligence would be difficult for an unaided human mind to comprehend, the occurrence of a technological singularity is seen as an intellectual event horizon, beyond which events can not be predicted or understood. Proponents of the singularity call the event an "intelligence explosion" which is a key factor of the Singularity where super-intelligence design successive generations of increasingly powerful minds. The originator of the term – Vernor Vinge - and popularized by Ray Kurzwei has proposed that Artificial Intelligence, human biological enhancement or brain-computer interfaces could be possible pushers of the singularity conundrum. It is envisaged that if the singularity does occur, the predicted super-intelligent machines might take over full control of human activity resulting in the possibility of humans becoming subservient to machines. It could also lead to existential risks of the human race. The authors propose a paradigm shift in the current education practice in ICT towards advanced practical and dynamic training in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, mechatronics, nanotechnology, Software Engineering and now the Internet of all Things! Government would need to develop positive political will to invest in Research and Development and create an enabling environment for supporting innovation if the black race are not to be left one hundred years behind Western nations.