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Enhancing Image Retrieval System Using Content Based Search Criteria
The purpose of this work is to design and implement a software that enhances the retrieval of image using the image content base as the criteria. As the size of multimedia databases and other repositories continues to grow, the difficulty of finding multimedia information increases, it becomes practically impossible to depend on the metadata of images for retrieval. Therefore, the development of a content-based image retrieval system becomes necessary to structure the retrieval of an image by its content. This work provides a good alternative to the normal retrieval pattern by making use of a browser that would search and retrieve image based on content. For fast retrieval of images the user must provide the appropriate parameters required for the retrieval, such as image category, extension format, color and dimension (width and height) of an image. The output shows more efficiency in retrieval because instead of performing the search on the entire image database, the image category option directs the retrieval engine to the specified category. Also, there is provision to update or modify the different image categories in the image database as need arise.
Keywords: Content-based, Multimedia, Search Engine, Image-based, Texture, Query.