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Groundwater quality studies: A Case study of the Densu Basin, Ghana
boreholes showed high level of mineralization. Borehole (GaD 6) at Pokuasi recorded the highest conductivity value of 7780.0 ìS/cm. High levels of nitrates were also recorded in certain communities within the basin. These include Aponsahene (105.8 mg/l), Damang (66.0 mg/l), Adzen Kotoku (61.5 mg/l), Afabeng (50.8 mg/l), New Mangoase (48.3
mg/l), Asuoatwene (41.3 mg/l), Potrase (33.6 mg/l) and Maase (33.3 mg/l). Correlations between major ions showed expected process-based relationship between Ca2+ and Cl- (r = 0.86); Mg2+ and Cl- (r = 0.84); Na+ and SO4 2- (r =0.77); Na+ and Cl- (r = 0.75); Mg2+ and SO4
2- (r = 0.74); Mg2+ and Ca2+ (r = 0.71); Ca2+ and SO4 2- (r = 0.58); and K+ and SO4 2- (r = 0.51), derived mainly from the geochemical and biochemical processes within the aquifer. Two major hydrochemical water types constituting 41% of groundwater sources within the basin have been delineated. These are Ca-Mg-HCO3 water (19%) and Na –Cl or Na –Cl –HCO3- Cl water (22%) types. Fifty-nine per cent of groundwater
sources are mixed waters with no particular cation predominating, and having either HCO3-or SO4 2- ions as the main anion.