Nadine Beilis
P.O. Box 15723, Bain’s Vlei 9338, South Africa
Johan Esterhuizen
Hellsgate Tsetse Research Station, P.O. Box 1072, Mtubatuba 3935, South Africa
The use of vulture parts by traditional healers in the public market in Maseru was investigated. Only Cape Griffon Gyps coprotheres parts were noticed in the market, and all parts of the birds seemed to be used. Observed results were extrapolated to indicate the extent of trade and potential impact of this on Cape Griffon populations in Lesotho. Although interviews with traditional healers indicated that each healer uses one vulture per year, determining actual numbers of Cape Griffons used per year was not possible. Using an estimate based on results obtained, a mathematical extrapolation was done, and indicated an alarming threat to Cape Griffon populations in Lesotho.
Vulture News Vol. 53 2005: 15-19