Records of nesting associations between vultures and weavers are collated and presented, based on literature records, and records from the citizen science databases: PHOtos of Weaver Nests (PHOWN) and southern African Nest Record Cards. 43 records of weaver-vulture nesting associations were found involving at least four vulture species and 14 weaver species. Records of vultures nesting on top of weaver nests are included in this study. Information from records listed in this study seems to confirm the Predator Protection Hypothesis. Vultures may use the large nests of buffalo-weavers and Sociable Weavers as a platform for their own nests. This could provide energetic savings for vultures as well as make these vulture nests less conspicuous from below. Vulture researchers are encouraged to record nesting associations with weavers (and other species), and publish these and/or submit to PHOWN.