The objective of this paper was to produce a computerised land resource management tool for identifying priority areas for soil conservation and sustainable management of rangeland resources. The results of satellite image analysis were used to produce maps showing the status of soil erosion and bush encroachment in the country. This was achieved by classifying the land cover map into five soil erosion and three bush encroachment classes, and highlighting critical areas of land management. Data on livestock inventory, rangelands resources, and status of land degradation were integrated to produce a computerised resource information system for Swaziland, which will assist in decision making for monitoring and management of rangelands resources; its application is demonstrated. The resource information system developed has the capability for storage, retrieval, and display of both graphical and non-graphical data in custom-designed maps and tables.
UNISWA Jnl of Agric Vol 8 1999: pp 12-22