Forty sorghum genotypes comprising five local and 35 introductions were evaluated for physical, popping qualities and grain yield. Twenty five of the forty genotypes were further characterized for sensory and acceptability qualities. The study revealed genotypic differences in grain yield, grain physical characteristics and popping qualities. Grain yield ranged from 751 to 2861 kg ha-1, with only 10 percent of the genotypes had grain yield of more than 2000 kg ha-1. Popping yield ranged from 61 to 95 percent and 25 percent of the genotypes yielding above 90 percent. More than 50 percent of the genotypes had popped volume of 12 to 14.3 mililitres (ml). Sorghum pops prepared from the genotype 80c 2241, MR114-90M11 and SDSH 49 were the most preferred for color, while TX2767 was most preferred for both texture and taste. These genotypes were accepted with a high hedonic rating of between like very much to like extremely. These genotypes were among the top eight in popping yield rating. The most liked sorghum pops were those that were prepared from the white colored sorghum genotypes, while the red and particularly the brown colored ones were least liked for both color and taste. Generally the sorghum introductions were superior in popping and acceptability qualities than the local cultivars. Based on these results it is recommended that farmers should be encouraged to grow the top ranking genotypes for preparation of their traditional foods as well as for popping purposes.
UNISWA Research Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology Vol 3 (1) 1999: pp 44-49