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Perceptions of International Students from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds regarding English Intensive Language Course. A Case of Francophone West African Students Studying at Kigali Independent University-ULK (Rwanda)

Jacques Ndahayo
Mugisho Ndabuli
Sauda Uwera


This study examined the influence of employee training and development on service delivery in local government entities in Rubavu  District, Rwanda. The study investigated the influence of four key factors namely: (1) employee training programs, (2) participation in  training sessions, (3) access to training resources, and (4) employee feedback and satisfaction with training. A sample of 237 employees  from various local government offices, including district, sector, cell offices, and the District Administration Security Support Organ (DASSO), participated in the study. Data was collected using questionnaires and semi- structured interview and it was analyzed using  descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The results indicated that all four factors significantly and positively influenced service delivery, with training programs, participation rates, access to training resources, and employee satisfaction contributing to improved  public service performance. Based on these findings, the study recommended that Rubavu District: (1) increase the frequency of training sessions, (2) design more motivating and relevant training programs, (3) enhance access to training resources, and (4) expand feedback  mechanisms to evaluate the impact of training on service quality. At a national level, the Government of Rwanda should develop a standardized framework for local government training programs, while the Ministry of Local Government should advocate for increased  funding for training and create platforms for knowledge exchange across districts. These recommendations aim to improve the  effectiveness and equity of public service delivery in Rubavu District and beyond.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2308-5843