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Replication of success for sustainable rural livelihood development with inclusive innovation in Rwanda: A case of neighbouring communities Inngeruka sector, Eastern Province

Jean de Dieu Mfitiryayo


The current paper intended to examine the replication of success for sustainable rural livelihoods development with inclusive innovation  in Rwanda. It was undertaken under four specific objectives which involved to determine the features of replication of success among  neighboring communities, to examine the types of channels for replication of success, to assess the extent to which the replication of  success sustains the neighboring communities’ livelihoods and too determine the moderating effects of replication of success among  neighboring communities in Ngeruka Sector. The data underlying this study were collected within10 months of fieldwork since  November2020 to August 2021 in 12 villages of Ngeruka sector in Bugesera District- Eastern Province. Among 800 most vulnerable  people, the 300 were randomly selected among others to participate in the study. The qualitative and quantitative data were collected  using 300 community memberbased questionnaires, administered in the local language. The participants to whom the questionnaires  were addressed corresponded to 293 while other 7 were interviewed. The 12 Focus Group Discussions were also conducted to 24 groups  included the 12 pre-assisted groups while other 12 referred to the recipients of successes. In the absence of an official census, a  household register was compiled consisting of 3,170 community members (in neighboring communities). It was seen that, this approach  helped to reduce and combat conflict among households as resulted from poor living conditions (33.6%) and reduced the culture of  dependence on external or foreign donors or to remain a burden on the government with 61.7% of respondents affirmed. The study  explained on how the [79] mutual support among the communities themselves was a good way to keep them from migrating to other  parts of the country for searching for lives, rather enabled them maintaining their community (63.6%).In addition, infrastructures and  other natural resources were sustainably managed; for example, the people were able to use their resources wisely and make them  productive such as land (76.6%), water with 3.6%, livestock (67.3%) and money with 64.3%. This approach identified itself as the only way  to help communities cope with their problems and be able to find lasting solutions. Empowering communities as well as giving them opportunity to make decision have increased their motivation and reduce their resistance to community changes. The study encouraged  public, private and non-governmental organizations to take advantages on the applicability of replication of success towards the  community resilience and sustainable livelihoods development. All concerned organizations are recalled to help communities bearing the  culture of ownership spirit as the real pathway for the replication of success to take place. The findings of this study are highly  privileged to recommend the government of Rwanda to adopt the replication of success related policy among others. 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2308-5843