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Electronic Voting System via GSM

Kabandana Innocent
Uwitonze Alfred


Voting is a right for every citizen allowed to vote in democratic countries. Different countries are having manual or electronic systems to  elect their Constitutional Law and their different leaders like President, Prime minister, Member of parliaments, senates, etc. Electronic  Voting System via GSM will provide additional facilities to the voters and candidates, to make election more flexible and efficient compare  to the traditional election. We will use Global System for Mobile Communication to facilitate the candidates and voters to use this  technology to register, elect their candidates from their places and the total votes will be published in a very short time period. This  system is capable to enhanced voter verification and mobility while maintaining voter privacy with One Time Password (OTP) generation.  Our main objective is to design a secure GSM Mobile Communication Electronic Voting (GMC-EV) model to establish secured connectivity  and One Time Password (OTP) based authorization during GSM based electoral process to enhance the authentication of the system. We  will use Software Development life Cycle model as our methodology to implement our Electronic Voting System via GSM. The key findings  is the test bed simulation of the proposed GSM-Electronic Voting System, the other key findings include the comparison of the  time analysis of Secure Hash Algorithm 1(SHA-1) and Secure Hash Algorithm 2(SHA-2). Our system will based on GlobalMobile Communication Electronic Voting as different people are now having smart phones, One Time Password will be generated for every  voter. As a recommendation, the Election Commission of Voting System should train the key parsons who will make the follow up,  different activities of the elections from the beginning to the end of the election. 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2308-5843