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Effects of Care Provision Practices on the Nutrition and Health Status among Children in Gadagau and Hanwa Communities of Zaria Metropolis, Kaduna State Nigeria
A cross sectional study was conducted among male and female under-five children from urban and rural settings around Zaria city in Kaduna State-Nigeria to assess effect of care provision practices on their nutritional status. A total of 440 (218 male and 222 female) children under-five years of age were randomly selected from Hanwa community (urban) in Zaria city and Gadagau village (rural) both located within Zaria metropolis of Kaduna State- Nigeria. We determined anthropometric indices using standard methods. Information on care provision, source of drinking water, infections and hospital visits were obtained using a well structured questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant difference (p<0.05) in anthropometric parameters across all the age groups in the male subjects. From the results, apart from age group 20-30 months, there is significant difference (p<0.05) in anthropometric parameters between the rural and urban female children. The results have indicated that 100% of mothers from the rural setting acquire knowledge of infant food preparation at home while for mothers from urban setting 80% acquire the knowledge from home. 60% (rural) and 65% (urban) of the subjects have access to improved water source. The result of the study has indicated that the extent of malnutrition is more prevalent in the urban than the rural subjects.