Author fees

Upon acceptance of the article for publication, the corresponding author must pay a publication fee of N15,000.00 (within Nigeria) or 15 USD (outside Nigeria).

Payments for the article processing and publication fee should be made in the following account only:
• Account Name: UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR)
• Bank name: United Bank of Africa (UBA).
• Account Number: 2099599544

Publisher Information

Department of Microbiology
Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina

Peer review

Articles Submitted to UJMR will be pre-screened by the editorial board for suitability. Articles found suitable will be peer-reviewed by at least two (2) different reviewers to ensure a high standard. The decision to accept an article for publication will be based on the comments/recommendations of the reviewers.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes two issues in one volumes a year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-1822
print ISSN: 2616-0668