Manuscripts should be written in English and submitted as an e-mail attachment to the Desk Editor at

Article Arrangement and Style:

The text file should be arranged as follows:

  1. a. The title page should contain:
  • the full title (bold lower case, font size 14, aligned central)
  • name (s) of (co) author (s) (i.e. W.A. Lamidi )
  • address(es) (aligned central),
  • corresponding author’s e-mail address
  • proposed running title
  • an abstract of 150 – 250 words, which should summarize the objective(s), major finding and conclusion.
  • 5 to 8 keywords are needed (keyword should not repeat the title)
  1. b. The text pages should contain the next file divided into: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, (Results and Discussion may be combined together) Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, References. Tables and Figures should be located in their appropriate places within the text.

Hierarchy of subsections in the text body must be clear.

First-order heading (e.g. Introduction, Materials and Methods, etc should be in capitals) and second-order headings are in bold (e.g. sampling procedure); third-order headings bold headers are in italics (phenolics determination)

Referencing in the text; in the text references should be cited according to the following examples: Nwoke (2006), Lamidi and Babarinde (2017), arrange from at earliest to the most recent year (e.g.: (Nwoke 2006; Lamidi and Akande, 2013; Nwoke et al., 2007).

Reference List:
Reference should be listed alphabetically with names of journal written in full with coma and full stop marks as indicated, for example:

Lamidi, W.A., and Babarinde, I.E. (2017). Environmental parameters and applied nutrients' influence on germination and growth of Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorus) under rain-fed agriculture. Uniosun Journal of Sciences. 2(1): 45-53

For Books:

Lamidi, W.A, Afolabi, M.S. (2017). Temperature-Humidity Index and Maize Productivity- South-West Nigeria, Books, Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany, pp 68

Chapter in a Book:

Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Okeyo, J.M., Maina, F., Kihara, J. (2011). Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa, Vol.1. In: C. Mushano and J. Nyamangara (Eds). Effecet of Al concentration and liming acid soils on the growth of selected maize cultivars grown in sandy soil in southern Africa. Springer. London. 491-500pp

Geesey, G.G., Costerton, J.W. (1986). The microphysiology of consortia within adherent bacterial population. Proceeding 4th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology, ljubjana, 238-242.

Manuscripts should conform to standard rules of English grammar and style. Conciseness in writing and accuracy of grammar are major assets.

Formatting guidelines:
The word processing program should be Microsoft Word. The text should be typed using the font Times New Roman, size 12 points, and organized on A4 format (21 x 29.5 cm). Materials and Methods section should be 10 fonts. Adjust indentation to 1 cm. Do not use the space bar to make indent, comma should be used for this purpose. Input your text continuously, i.e. insert hard returns exclusively at the end of paragraphs, headings etc. Use the automatic pagination function. Italicize common and standard Latin words, abbreviations or phrases such as (et al.), (e.g.) or (in vivo). Italicize the names of genes (e.g. Arpl gene), genera and species. Insert a space between mathematical symbols and number (i.e. 4+6 and 6<10). Number and units must be separated, e.g. Use 12 0C. Do not insert a space in these cases: 6X and 12%.

Review Process
An original scientific paper submitted for publication shall be reviewed by at least two referees, active in the field the paper belongs to. The subject editor will try to use one reviewer from the list and to comply with any special requests. Only a paper with favourable reports shall be considered for possible acceptance for publication. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided by the Editorial Board.

When the article is published the corresponding author will receive 10 off prints and the electronic reprint of the article (free of charge) in Adobe’s PDF format. Additional offprint may be ordered at such condition as may be determined by the editorial board.

Rule of good Scientific and Responsible authorship
It is the policy of Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources that authors must conform to standard of good scientific practice and responsible authorship. All of the author must accept responsibility for the entire contents of the submitted manuscript, and provide their significant contributions to the work. Honorary authorship is not allowed, i.e., authorship should not be awarded to people who made no intellectual contribution to the work, or who were not physically involved in conducting the research. Individuals who supported the research by providing laboratory space, equipment or financial support should be recognized in the Acknowledgement section only.

The Editorial Board of Uniosun Journal of Agriculture and Renewable Resources comprise an Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Technical Editor, Language Editor, Managing and Desk Editors and Consulting Editor. These shall be entirely composed of renowned reputable scholars within the scope of the Journal.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2814-046X
print ISSN: 2672-5967
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