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Mugabeism: Rhesus Factor in African Politics

AE Elochukwu


Zimbabwe is one of the hottest spots in the world today,
not because of war or terrorism or geological disturbance,
but because of the political turmoil which has atrophied
in the being of that country all the major forces of
national existence. Zimbabwe now boasts the highest
inflation rate in the world; millions of Zimbabweans have
fled their country as the Zimbabwean dollar, which was
stronger than the US dollar a few years ago, has become
so worthless that today it takes millions of Z$ notes to
purchase a loaf of bread. The major actor in this crisis is
President Robert Gabriel Mugabe. His involvement in the
crisis has divided the opinions of African leaders: some
such as Thabo Mbeki of South Africa think Mugabe
deserves some understanding; in contrast, others such
as Levi Mwanawasa of Zambia think Africa (and, indeed
the world community) should not hesitate to use all
means, legitimate and illegitimate to remove him (Mugabe)
from power. This paper is neither for Judas nor Barnabas.
Its position is that Mugabe is a rhesus factor, a necessary
and unnecessary variable in the Zimbabwean crisis as it
reflects Africa’s relationship with the rest of the world.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-1413