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The nature of consciousness in the context of artificial intelligence: Redefining human-technology relationships

Izuchukwu Kizito Okoli
Osita Gregory Nnajiofor


The nature of consciousness in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a problem that necessitates analysis and further exploration. This study seeks to redefine human-technology relationships by examining the intersection of consciousness and AI, including metaphysical implications and considerations. The primary objectives are to define consciousness within the context of AI, assess the potential for AI to exhibit consciousness, investigate the metaphysical implications for human experiences, and explore the ethical dimensions. The research findings indicate that consciousness involves self-awareness, perception, intentionality, and subjective experiences. While AI can achieve advanced cognitive abilities, the existence of higher-order consciousness remains uncertain, raising metaphysical questions about the nature of subjective awareness. The hard problem of consciousness highlights the challenge of bridging physical processes and subjective experiences, underscoring the need for metaphysical considerations. Ethical implications of AI integration and its impact on human experiences are also examined. Recommendations include further research on consciousness in AI, the development of ethical frameworks that account for metaphysical dimensions, and the exploration of the extended mind hypothesis to integrate AI as an augmentation of human consciousness. By addressing metaphysical implications and considerations, we can navigate the evolving landscape of AI and redefine human-technology relationships in a responsible, inclusive, and metaphysically informed manner.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-1413