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Le Phallocentrisme vis-a-vis du Pouvoir Feminin dans les Proverbes Awka
Mots Cles: Phallocentrisme, Proverbes Awka, Pouvoir Féminin, Force Régulatrice, AwoMmili, Umuokpu, Féminisme, Masculinisme, L’historico-sociologique, Catégorisation des Proverbes
English Abstract
Since time immemorial, everywhere in the world in general and Africa in particular, the woman has been and remains always victimised, thingified and subjected to all sorts of violence and deconstruction at the hands of man who considers himself superior. Considering that the Awka woman possesses a certain feminine power, that literature transmits a people’s culture, and that proverbs constitute one of the resources of oral literature, the present study has for objective to examine minutely twenty Awka proverbs with a view to establishing establish if the Awka society, in general, operates on the basis of phallocentrism despite the much professed women power. Phallocentrism has to do with the ideology that the phallus or the sexual organ of man constitutes the central element in the organization of the social world. It is defined, in the context of this study, as the tendency to consider the man to be superior to woman and to treat him as master, lord and the dominant force. Feminist, masculinist and historico-sociological approaches are used to conduct this research. The Awka Dielect is used in this study. It is discovered that despite the power at the disposal of the Awka woman, the Awka society, as depicted in the proverbs studied, is patriarchal and strongly characterized by phallocentrism. In view of the sociopolitical changes made presently in Awka and everywhere else, a proposal is made for the readjustment of one of the proverbs used in the study: “A fvụ dike e bieabịa” to read: “A fvụ dike nwoke ma ọfvụ dike nwaanyị e bieabia”(When a hero or a heroine appears on the scene, the funeral music is stopped).
Keywords: Phallocentrism, Awka Proverbs, Feminine Power, Regulatory Force, AwoMmili, Umuokpu, Feminism, Masculinism, Historico-Sociologique, Categorisation of Proverbs