Unity is the state of being one undivided entity. Nigerian society has different ethnic groups which is joined together to become a single nation. Right from the onset, unity has eluded the nation because of her diversified cultural backgrounds. In Igbo culture, kola nut has various parts which have joined together as one single whole. This paper therefore, explores the functions of Igbo kola nut in the unification of the Nigerian nation. It looked at the social, political, religious and economic functions. Related literatures were reviewed to help enhance the study. A descriptive survey research approach was adopted. The instrument for data collection was unstructured questionnaire. It was discovered that Igbo kola nut is well respected in all the Igbo communities. It is accorded recognition in all celebrations and serves the role of unifying the Igbo people. The paper recommends the adoption of the roles of kola nut in all the events of the nation for her oneness.