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Application of Information and Communication Technology in Traditional Medicine and Healing Knowledge Management Stakeholders’ Perspectives from Tanzania

John Jackson Iwata


This study examined the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in managing traditional medicine across four districts of Njombe, Masasi, Singida, and Magu, and the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Specifically, the study explored how Tanzanian stakeholders use ICT to manage traditional medicine and healing knowledge, the effects of ICT on the ecosystem of traditional medicine and healing knowledge, their readiness to adopt ICT applications, and the obstacles they face when integrating ICT. Using a mixed-methods approach informed by the Technology Acceptance Model and the Information System Success Model, the study deployed a questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and observations to collect data from 71 respondents including traditional healers, prospective users, researchers, and district coordinators. The data were subjected to thematic and descriptive statistical analyses facilitated by the Statistical Package for Service Solutions. The study found severely limited use of modern technologies, such as computers, in managing traditional medicine and healing knowledge. Although stakeholders owned smartphones, their use was constrained by financial limitations, inadequate ICT skills, and insufficient technological infrastructure. Despite these challenges, participants acknowledged the importance of using ICT in managing traditional medicine and healing knowledge and expressed readiness to use it. However, ICT was not fully utilised in managing such knowledge in Tanzania. Enhancing ICT infrastructure, implementing targeted training programmes for stakeholders, and establishing clear policies and guidelines for ICT use in managing traditional knowledge are recommended.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2953-2515
print ISSN: 0856-1818