This paper presents the findings of a study that investigated the accessibility and use of health information in the lower echelons of Primary Health Care in Uganda. An \'Interaction-value model\' emerged from the study. The model was driven by the value and impact of information unlike previous information models which had been driven by information needs. This study has demonstrated that although an information need could trigger off an information activity, the subsequent information processes could only be sustained by the value of information. The value of information is therefore the core category, while the moderation of constraints and interaction with sources for latent or apparent needs are the two main categories which make up the model. The study has also shown that health workers were generally active information seekers while women were mainly passive. The study concludes that the value of information, rather than needs or constraints, was the driving force behind the information processes reported. The various actions, which resulted from the value of information, were reported to have promoted health in many ways. The findings from this study have unearthed several areas for further research.
University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal Vol. 7(1) 2005: 1-19