The ongoing revolution in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is necessitating a shift in emphasis from the traditional media to the use of multi-media interactive systems by business communicators, academics, and many professional vocations. In many areas that involve ICT use, individuals may be forced to adopt these systems as a matter of necessity. Basing on existing literature, this paper discusses the motives behind media selection and use by individuals targeted by business communicators or academics. A psychological perspective is considered that applies intrinsic and extrinsic motivational concepts to communication phenomena. The paper also tries to develop an analytical understanding of human communication-related behavior with respect to the two types of motives. Proposals are also put forward to communication policy makers and implementers in developing countries to develop appropriate techniques for motivating their targeted clients to engage themselves more actively in communication experiences involving the use of Internet-based ICTs.
University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal: 2003 4(1&2): 104-120