This study was conducted to examine the information-seeking behavior of academic members of staff of the Faculty of Law, University of Dar Es Salaam. The objective of the study was to find out how staff seek information in the light of the changes introduced in the library, particularly the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and re-organization of the library. Data collection methods were questionnaire and interview. The study revealed that 50% of the Faculty of Law staff use the manual catalogue in searching information instead of computerized catalogue. In addition, 36.4% were not aware that they could search library catalogue while at their offices. The study found that Law Reports and legislation are the most consulted type of materials and that the staff have other formal and informal sources of information apart from the University library. The study recommends increased sensitization of library users on the range of new services offered by the library and intensification of user training, including outreach programs.
University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal: 2003 4(1&2): 58-74