This paper will examine the role of joint electronic resource sharing networks in supporting the key mission of Tanzanian Universities by paying particular attention to the situation in Tanzania. The paper will investigate the problem of institutional collaboration in Tanzania to identify what factors have hitherto hindered effective and formal collaboration among Tanzanian academic libraries. It will then examine whether current environment characterised by liberalised education system, IT developments and applications, globalisation and internationalisation of higher education can act as a catalyst for future institutional collaboration. The role of electronic resource sharing networks and their potential for providing cost effective services and building of modern Universities in Tanzania will be discussed. Experiences from European, American and South African networks will be highlighted and lessons drawn. The main argument of the paper is that the future lies in collaboration rather than isolation. In conclusion the paper will emphasise the importance of joint academic resource sharing networks among Tanzanian academic libraries. It will reiterate the importance of building institutional mechanisms and structures for supporting such initiatives. In addition, institutional support in building and nurturing electronic resources sharing networks is of critical importance for sustainability.
(University of Dar es Salaam Library Journal: 2003 5(1): 1-12)