This investigation determined the attitudes of 59 producers to the management of ostriches. The responses were mostly dependent on question type (p<0-05) thus indicating the management-intensive nature of ostrich production. Most respondents agreed that ostrich fanning is productive in any area depending on the seasonal replacement of breeding birds and on the need to determine feed waste. The number of preferred breeders was variable. Most did not vary the type of feed and agreed that it must contain nutrients from usable sources and bird weight must be controlled. Training workers and daily egg monitoring were considered important, as was the need to herd chicks, scrub their pens and heat them at night. The majority agreed on the use of rough floors and rubber mate in brooder houses to prevent chicks slipping. Most agreed on quarantining birds prior to slaughter, developing the local market, performing cost-benefit analyses, being totally committed, improving the local payment system, adjusting the pricing structure, addressing land designation policies, exporting through abattoirs and tanneries, and on a Zimbabwean market dependence on Europe.
Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association Vol. 74 2000: 10-13