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Spatial distribution of tsetse flies in some areas within western, eastern and northern regions of Ghana

F Ebhodaghe
D Gomez
C Isaac


Accurate identification of tsetse fly endemic-foci using spatially explicit maps could be important in the strategic control of tsetse flies. This survey presents spatially explicit maps of tsetse flies in some tsetse fly-endemic areas in the Western, Eastern and Northern Regions of Ghana. Field samplings for tsetse flies using randomly positioned unbaited-biconical traps were carried out from August to October 2016 in New-Juaben (610’29’’N, 018’57’’W), Jomoro (51’52’’N, 241’5’’W), West Gonja (915’35’’N, 151’25’’W) and West Mamprusi (1017’19’’N, 038’56’’W) Districts of Ghana. Tsetse flies were present in all districts except in West Mamprusi. Overall, three species were collected: Glossina palpalis, G. tachinoides and G. morsitans submorsitans. Glossina palpalis were the most widely distributed, being present in three districts (West Gonja, New-Juaben and Jomoro). However, G. tachinoides and G. m. submorsitans were present only in West Gonja, in the Mole Game Reserve Area. It is expected that these data would be useful in the planning, execution and monitoring of tsetse fly control programmes in the sampled areas. However, there is need to cover wider areas which would enhance an update of the national tsetse fly map.

Keywords: Tsetse fly; map; control; Ghana

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4030
print ISSN: 1596-972X