Manuscripts suitable for publication in The Zoologist should be derived from original empirical research or reviews in Zoology, Life Sciences and related disciplines. It must be scientifically sound and written in coherent English Language. Each submitted manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter stating its contribution to knowledge, that the authors agree to its submission to The Zoologist and that the manuscript is not under review by another journal.

Manuscripts must be submitted at The Zoologist website or
The Manuscript should be submitted with evidence of payment of processing fee of N6,000 for contributors from Nigeria and $25 for contributors from other countries. All editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Managing Editor, The Zoologist, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria via the e-mail addresses; and

The manuscripts must be written in clear and coherent English Language in MS-word, double-spaced and have 3cm margins throughout. Scientific names must be italicized and the authority given at first mention. Pagination of the manuscript should be sequential beginning with the title page. 

All studies on human subjects must be accompanied by ethical approval from an Institution competent to grant such approval or from the relevant government agency.

Manuscripts should be divided into the sections given below:

Title page: The first page of the manuscript should contain the complete title of the paper, the names of authors and their affiliations, the name and email address of the corresponding author, 16-digit ORCID of at least one of the authors and a short running title of not more than 30 characters. 

Abstract: Abstracts should not exceed 200 words. Three to six key words for use in indexing should be listed immediately below the abstract. 

Text: Regular articles should not exceed 25 manuscript pages. The text should be divided into: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of Interest and Acknowledgements. Results should consist of a summarization of the important data using tables and figures where possible. 

References: In the text, references should be cited consecutively with the authors surname and year of publication in brackets e.g. (Ringim and Aliyu 2018; King and Akpan 2020). Use the abbreviation et al for citing more than two authors (e.g. Fagade et al 1995). The reference list should be arranged alphabetically by first authors' surname. 

Examples of references 

  1. Journal articles 

Daben, M.R., Asor, J.E., Okon, O.E., Mwansat, G.S. and Dakul, D.A. 2023. Effects of n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol bark extracts of Entada Africana Guill and Perott (Fabaceae) on the snail Bulinus globosus. Nig. J. Parasitol. 44(2): 281-294.

Edeh, I.C., Nsofor, C.I., Ikechukwu, C.C., Olisa, C.S., Afoemezie, P.I. and Chidubem-Nwachinemere, N.O.  2022. Bacterial assessment of smoke-dried fishes sold at three landing market sites in Anambra State, Nigeria. Zoologist. 

Ugwumba, O.A. 1989. Distribution and growth of the ten-pounder Elops lacerta (Val) in the fresh, brackish and marine environment in Lagos, Nigeria. Arch. Hydrobiol. 115(33): 451-462. 

  1. Book or Thesis 

Smith, T.M. and Smith, R.L. 2015. Elements of Ecology (9th ed.). Pearson, Boston, 621pp.  

  1. Chapter in Book 

Adelana, S.M.A., Abiye, T.A., Nkhuwa, D.C.W., Tindimugaya, C. and Oga, M.S. 2008. Urban groundwater management and protection in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: S.M.A. Adelana and A.M. Macdonalded (eds.), Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa.  Taylor and Francis, London, 231–260. 

References must be written in accordance to The Zoologist style. Journal title should be abbreviated according to the web of science guide.

Nomenclature and Units

All abbreviations must be written in full at first mention. SI units are strongly recommended, when it is necessary to use non-SI units, authors are required to give SI unit equivalent. 


Artwork submitted as JPG, EPS, TIFF or PNG formats and a minimum of 300dpi is preferred. 

Tables: Tables must be submitted as editable documents and should be titled and designated with Arabic numerals conforming to order of their appearance. They should be used primarily for presentation of data too complex to be included in the text; however, they must be referred to and keyed into the text.

Figures: This should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the same order as they appear in the text. Author’s name, figure number and an arrow indicating the orientation of the illustration should be at the back. Figures must also be keyed into the text.

A descriptive legend must accompany each illustration and must define all abbreviations therein. Authors should not present the same data in Table and figure, rather the one that best illustrates the data should be used. 

Tables, figures and plates must immediately follow the text to which it relates. Figures will be published in black and white. However, authors that desire colour publication of figures should contact the publishing department as additional fee per colour page published will be required.

All manuscripts submitted to The Zoologist must be submitted solely to the journal, and must not have been published in any substantial form in another journal, in any other language, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Authors intending to include published tables, figures, text and plates in their manuscript must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and submit evidence that such permission was granted along with the manuscript.

Types of Manuscript Acceptable to The Zoologist

Original Research Article: Articles based on scientific research on any aspect of Zoology or related discipline. It must follow the pattern of The Zoologist-Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest and References. 

Reviews: Systematic reviews of current topics of interest to a wide audience. Authors of review articles should be specialists in that area and the review should result from years of studies on the topic and present critical analysis of the subject. 

Short Communications: Articles containing essential information that author(s) need to communicate to readers quickly.

Editorials: Short communications on important subjects authored by the editors or editorial nominees.  

Letters to the Editor and Responses: Articles written to the editors or response from editors that may contain useful information to readers

Conflict of Interest
Authors must declare conflict of interest where applicable or state otherwise if not applicable.


The copyright is to the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN) under Creative Common licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The Licence permits non-commercial use, copying, redistribution, remixing and adaptation of articles published in The Zoologist provided the original work is properly cited and the new work has identical licence. The authors are responsible for contents of the original, reviewed and published manuscript and accuracy of the references and also for any violation of copyright agreement.

Publication Fee 

Authors whose articles are accepted are required to pay a publication charge of N45,000 (Nigerian authors) and $120 (foreign authors) per article of 6 journal typeset pages, additional pages attract additional charge of N8,000 ($27) per page. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2992-4030
print ISSN: 1596-972X
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