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Globale paradys of plaaslike hel? \'n Lesing van Duiwelskloof (André P. Brink), Lituma en los Andes (Mario Vargas Llosa) en Paradise (Toni Morrison)

Philip John


Global paradise or local hell? A reading of Duiwelskloof (André Brink), Lituma en los Andes (Mario Vargas Llosa) and Paradise (Toni Morrison) [Afrikaans]

Globalisation has received a large amount of attention, especially with reference to political economic issues. The manner in which this development affects literature, has received less attention. In this article the global-local opposition or tension is utilised as framework for an interpretation and comparison of three novels, namely Duiwelskloof (André P. Brink), Lituma en los Andes (Death in the Andes – Mario Vargas Llosa) and Paradise (Toni Morrison). The comparison focuses on the manner in which the confrontation of a cosmopolitan consciousness and a parochial local reality is represented in the three novels. The article suggests that the local-global tension is approached in a similar manner in the three novels, namely by way of a (re)confirmation of the bonds between the cosmopolitan consciousness and the local reality.

Key Words: globalisation, cosmopolitanism, local parochialism.

Globale paradys of plaaslike hel?: ‘n Lesing van Duiwelskloof (André P. Brink), Lituma en los Andes (Mario Vargas Llosa) en Paradise (Toni Morrison)

Globalisering is ‘n onderwerp wat baie aandag gekry het, veral vanuit politiek-ekonomiese oogpunt. Die manier waarop die ontwikkeling letterkunde raak, het minder aandag gekry. In hierdie artikel word die teenstelling of spanning tussen die globale en die plaaslike gebruik as raamwerk vir ‘n interpretasie en vergelyking van drie romans, naamlik Duiwelskloof (André P. Brink), Lituma en los Andes (Mario Vargas Llosa) en Paradise (Toni Morrison). Die vergelyking fokus op die manier waarop ‘n konfrontasie tussen ‘n kosmopolitiese bewussyn en die parogiale plaaslike werklikheid voorgestel word in die romans. Die artikel suggereer dat al drie romans die globale-plaaslike-spanning op ‘n soortgelyke wyse benader, naamlik deur die verbintenis van die kosmopolitiese bewussyn en die plaaslike werklikheid te (her)bevestig.

Trefwoorde: Globalisering, kosmopolitiese bewussyn, plaaslike parogialisme

Tydskrif vir Letterkunde Vol. 42(1) 2005: 147-159

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2309-9070
print ISSN: 0041-476X