Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis is an important zoonosis that affects uman, wildlife and livestock. A cross sectional study was carried out between December 2012 and January 2013 to establish the prevalence of bTB and the associated risk factors among ive and slaughter indigenous cattle in Gairo district of Morogoro region. Diagnosis of bTB was based on bovine gamma interferon blood based assay (BOVIGAM®) in live animals n=370) while that in slaughter cattle (n=50) was based on enhanced meat inspection. questionnaire survey was conducted among the livestock keepers (n=17) and abattoir workers (n=11) to asses awareness on risk factors associated with bTB. Out of 370 live cattle tested 11 (3.0%) were bTB positive and the reactors were from 38.1% of 21 herds tested. The prevalence of bTB based on enhanced meat inspection was 2.0%. Questionnaire survey among the livestock keepers and abattoir workers in Gairo district indicated limited knowledge on bTB risk factors such as uncontrolled animal movements, bTB control education, sharing communal grazing grounds, public health and contact of wild and domestic animals. The results of this study provide epidemiological status of bTB in Gairo district which is an important tool for its control. It is recommended that, control strategies for bTB in Gairo district be put in place.
Key words: bTB, Bovigam®, Enhanced meat inspection, Indigenous cattle, Gairo district