Sources of Support

TVJ is supported by Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) and The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS), Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Peer Review

Submitted papers are read by Editors and decision is made whether they qualify for further review. As part of screening process, the manuscripts will be subjected to anti-plagiarism software. Manuscripts not qualifying are rejected right away and authors are informed of the decision. Qualifying manuscripts are sent to at least two independent reviewers whose comments are expected to be returned within two weeks. In some cases review process may take longer than expected. Usually reviewers are invited to discuss and agree the time frame where necessary. After receiving comments from reviewers, the editorial office prepares the summary and sends to the corresponding authors for revision of the manuscripts.

Subsequently, the revised manuscripts are returned to the Editor. The manuscript is then sent to reviewers for cross checking as to whether the suggested corrections and concerns have been addressed. The comments of reviewers usually include recommendations on the suitability of the manuscript. The final revised manuscript is then sent to a member of editorial board specialized in the respective subject of the study for final review. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript will base on the comments received throughout the review process. The final decision is usually sent to the authors within two weeks after completion of the review process. Rejected manuscripts after completion of the review process will not be considered for re-submission to TVJ.

Guidelines for Reviewers

Reviewers are expected to critically read and evaluate a manuscript in their specialty field, and then provide a respectful, constructive, and honest feedback to authors about their submission. The common approach is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article, relevance and originality of the manuscript. If applicable suggest ways to improve manuscript.

When reviewing the manuscript, key areas that needs to be reviewed includes the title whether clearly describe the article, whether the summary reflects the content of the article and provides a summarized context of the whole article. The introduction should be evaluated whether it summarize relevant research to provide context, and explain what others findings reported in the literature, if any, are being challenged or extended. It should describe the experiment, the hypothesis (es) and the general experimental design or method.

The reviewer should evaluate whether the results are clearly described, and the description are precise but understood and presented in a logical sequence. Consider if the appropriate analysis has been conducted and that the interpretation of results is not be part of the results. Finally, the reviewer should evaluate whether all the claims in this section are supported by the results. Authors should explain how their results agree or differ with previously published results and the conclusion and recommendations are all supported by the data presented or based on speculations

Feedback from reviewers

Please note that all submissions are confidential and please do not discuss any aspect of the article or your review with a third party. All comments should be addressed to the Editor.  When writing comments, reviewers are requested to indicate (where applicable) the section of comments intended for only the editors and the section of comments that can be returned to author(s). Reviewers can suggest to the Editor whether to accept the manuscript as it is, accept after minor/major revision, or reject the manuscript

Conflict of interest

Any existing conflict of interest will not disqualify the reviewer from reviewing the manuscript provided that the reviewer discloses all conflicts of interest to the editor before reviewing the respective article

Open Access Policy

Optional open access publication is possible. The author(s) will be charged a modest fee of USD 150 or TZS 360,000 per article payable to Tanzania Veterinary Association to offset production costs. Authors are required to send request for open access publication to the Editor after the manuscript is accepted.  In case of payment delay, the article will be published but will not be open access until when the payment is confirmed.

Publication Scheduling

TVJ is biannual, publishes two volumes per year. One volume is published in each half of the year. However manuscripts in the respective issue may be immediately available online after acceptance. Click here to view current issue


Tanzania Veterinary Journal (The Tropical Veterinarian), abbreviated as Tanz Vet J  or TVJ is an official Journal of Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) . 


Articles are indexed in AJOL, EBSCO, CABI, Google Scholar and CrossRef (via AJOL), and African Index Medicus (AIM)

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-206X
print ISSN: 0856-1451
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