A study was conducted at the Ahmadu Bello University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (ABUVTH), Zaria to document the diseases of goats that occurred in Zaria between January, 1986 and December, 2002. A total of 1247 goats aged between day old to 4 years and reared on free range were treated during the period. The breeds of goats presented include: Kano brown (48%), Sokoto red (30%), West African dwarf (WAD) (11%), mixed breeds or crosses (3%) and unidentified (8%), respectively. The diseases diagnosed were salmonellosis, piroplasmosis, contagious ecthyma, cowdriosis, brucellosis, lameness, tick infestation, colibacillosis, helminthosis, pregnancy toxemia, tetanus, piroplasmosis, retained placenta, paraphimosis, Oestus ovis infection, mange, verminous pneumonia, coccidiosis, goiter, neonatal hypoglycemia, goat pox and mastitis. Most (54.51%) of the diseases encountered were parasitic and farmers intending to establish goat farms in Zaria should be advised to plan for their control. The public health significance of those diseases that are zoonotic is discussed. The need to encourage traditional remedies in the treatment of these diseases was recognised.
Keywords: diseases, goats, Zaria
Tropical Veterinarian Vol. 23(2) 2005: 47-55