The value of food irradiation relies on its capability to effect technical desires: modify cellular activities such as sprouting and senescence that degrade food utility; retard moulds, pests and other organisms that both contaminate and cause food to spoil; and kill bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause food borne diseases and toxicoses. Despite these benefits, Nigerian governments have not taken a firm stand on this promethean technology. Why is this so? This paper highlights governmental constraints to food irradiation and demonstrates how these constraints impose barriers on engineering practice. The paper then contributes compelling reasons on why the government should change its attitude and adopt the process. Improvements in food security, public health security, national economy, and environmental protection; as well as reductions in unemployment, crime and other civil perturbations were some of the reasons adduced. Furthermore, recommendations were proffered for a roadmap to the enthronement of food irradiation for the country. It is concluded that the implementation of the roadmap will ensure the derivation of food irradiation benefits, and by implication, unleash engineering practice and progress in Nigeria.
Keywords: food, ionizing radiation, constraints, public health safety, environmental protection, engineering practice, public health
Tropical Veterinarian Vol. 23(2) 2005: 32-46