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Comparison of two immune diagnostic techniques for detection of Mycoplasma mycoides sub species mycoides SC in cattle
Complex (ABC-Elite) test in detecting Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides Small colony (MmmSc) in CBPP suspect tissues was evaluated. Out of the 330 suspect lung tissues and 20 suspect lymph nodes tissue samples analyzed, 245 (75.9%) and 276 (83.3%) of the lung tissues were positive by ABC-Elite and Dot-EIA respectively. However, the result of 11(3.45%) and 10(3.0%) of the lung tissues samples analyzed by ABC Elite and Dot EIA respectively could not be interpreted hence were considered to be doubtful. It is concluded that while both Dot-EIA and BC-Elite could be used efficiently in the field Dot-EIA is considered superior because of its cost-effectiveness, accuracy and speediness of results compared to ABC-Elite method.
(Tropical Veterinarian: 2003 21(1): 23-29)