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Protective effects of ethanol extract of <i>Mangifera indica</i> on arsenite induced testicular damage and endocrine pathology in Wistar rats

Olufunke Ola-Davies
Abimbola Oloye
Kazeem Olaide


Sperm protective potentials of Mangifera indica leaves was studied in arsenic-treated rats using forty-two male Wistar rats (180-220g) intensively managed with commercial ration and water ad libitum. Ethanol leaf extract of Mangifera indica was derived using cold extraction. Rats were grouped into 6 (A to F) of seven rats each orally administered test samples for 6 weeks. Group A (control) was served 0.2ml of corn oil, group B was given 2.5mg/kg sodium arsenite, group C and D received 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg of the extract respectively, group E was given 200mg/kg of the extract followed, an hour after, by 2.5mg/kg of sodium arsenite and group F received 100mg/kg of the extract followed, an hour after, by 2.5mg/kg of sodium arsenite. Rats were sacrificed by cervical dislocation 24hours after final administration. Group B mean scrotal circumference was significantly lower (p<0.05) than groups D, E, F and A. Group D mean left testicular diameter was significantly highest (p<0.05) compared to other groups and had the highest mean values of scrotal circumference and length, left and right testicular weight and diameter and right testicular length compared with groups A,C,E and F though not significant (p>0.05). Group A had the highest (p<0.05) mean percentage sperm motility (83.3±3.33%) followed by group D (70.00±0.00%) and F (70.00±3.16%) while group B had the lowest (P<0.05) mean value (56.67±3.33%). In conclusion, Mangifera indica ethanol leaf extract has protective effects on arsenite induced testicular damage at the dosage rate of 100mg and 200mg/kg with the latter providing better protection.

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eISSN: 0794-4845