2012 Author Guidelines:

Instructions to Authors:
TROPICAL VETERINARIAN welcomes original work on all aspects of veterinary science as practiced in the Tropics, including livestock production and management, animal disease (domestic and wild), various aspects of preventive medicine and public health and basic and applied research in these areas. Case reports and review articles will be entertained.
Submission: Only original papers written in English are considered and should be sent to:
Prof. S.O. Akpavie,
Department of Veterinary Pathology,
University of Ibadan,
Ibadan (Nigeria)

Email: tropicalveterinarian@yahoo.com

Manuscripts: Should be submitted in triplicate (with three sets of illustrations of which one is an original), typewritten double spaced on one side of the paper, with a wide margin. Authors should include a CD containing the manuscript.
Conditions: All manuscripts are subject to editorial review. Manuscripts are received with the explicit understanding that they are not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustration, tables, etc. from publica-tions. Accepted papers become the permanent property of Tropical Veterinarian and may not be reproduced by any means in whole or in part, without the written consent of both the author and the publisher.
Title page: The first page of each paper should indicate the title (main title underlined), the author’s names and the institute where the work was conducted. A short title for use as running head is also required.
Key words: For indexing purposes, a list of 3-10 key words in English is essential.
Abstract: Each paper needs an abstract of up to 10 lines and not exceeding 300 words.
Footnotes: Avoid footnotes. When essential, they are numbered consecutively and typed at the foot of the appropriate page.
Tables and Illustrations: Tables (numbered in Roman numerals) should be prepared on separate sheets and should have a heading. Legends to illustra-tions (numbered in Arabic numerals) should be listed on a separate sheet. For the reproduction of illustrations only good drawings and original photographs can be accepted: negatives or photocopies cannot be used. When possible, group several illustrations on the block for reproduction (max. size 140 x 188 mm) or provide crop marks. On the back of each illustration indicate its number, the author’s name, and ‘top’ colour illustrations are reproduced at the author’s expense.
References: The list of references should include only those publications which are cited in the text. References should be arranged alphabetically (citation by name and years) or numbered consecutively (citation by number).
(a) Paper published in periodicals: 1. All authors’ surnames (et al. is not sufficient) with initials of first names. 2. Full title of paper. 3. Journal abbreviation. 4. Volume (in Arabic numerals, and followed by a colon). 5. First and last page. 6. Year of publication in brackets. Example: Macintosh, J., Hansen, P., Ziegler, J., Penny, R. Defective immune and phagocytic functions in uraemia and renal transplantation. Nig. J. Vet. Med. Assoc. 5: 59-60 (1979).
(b) Books: 1. Author’s surnames with initials of first names. 2. Full title. 3. In brackets, name and domicile of publisher and year of publication. Example: Pollack, R.S. Tumor surgery of the head and neck (Karger, Basel 1975).
Full Address: The exact postal address, complete with postal code and e-mail address of the senior or corresponding author, must be given. If corres-pondence is handled by some one else, indicate this accordingly.
Further details: Authors may consult our leaflet ‘Rules for the Preparation of Manuscripts’, available on request from the Publisher: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, lbadan (Nigeria).
Page Charges: A page charge of N500.00 or US$10.00, per manuscript page, or N650.00 or US$15.00 per printed page, is levied.
Galley proofs: Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the first-named author and should be returned with the least possible delay. Alterations made in galley proofs other than the correction of printer’s errors, are charged to the author. No page proofs are supplied.
Reprints: Order forms and price list are sent with the galley proofs. Orders submitted after the issue is printed are subject to considerably higher prices. Allow five weeks from date of publication for normal delivery of reprints (airmail on request and at charge).

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0794-4845
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