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Non-formal education as a tool for social change in the Nadowli district of Ghana: options of an endogenous model

Felicia S. Odame


Non-formal education (NFE) became one of the strategic windows for developing human resources for social participation and better livelihood. However, after many years of implementation through varied NFE programmes, the challenges for which they were initiated have largely remained. The main question is: What has been the conceptual and programming disjuncture in the formulation of NFE as a community empowerment tool in Ghana? The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the NFE philosophy and the worldview of Nadowli Dagaaba of Ghana. The study used qualitative design based on both secondary and primary data. The study revealed that, despite the high aspirations of NFE, it has been plagued by numerous challenges regarding its efficacy in bringing about social and cultural change. The values and principles of the NFE and the worldview of the people of Nadowli District have both consistencies and contradictions. The study concludes that the NFE process could be relevant if the training programmes were harmonious with the participants’ everyday life that is, in accordance with their goals, culture and values. An endogenous social change model was, thus, recommended as suitable for NFE programmes in Ghana and, for that matter, Nadowli District.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2591-6963
print ISSN: 1821-9632