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CommunicationforChange: AlteringDie-hardAttitudes, Beliefs and Behaviour throughKnowledge SharingonLakeVictoriaPollution

Dietrick K. Kaijanangoma


Thispaperreportsthefindingsofa studythatsetoutto establish theattitudes, knowledge,beliefsandbehaviour oflocalresidentstowards theenvironmental pollution on LakeVictoriain Tanzania. The study employed four methods in the collection of data, which were analysedboth quantitatively and qualitatively using SPSS and NVIVO computer programmes respectively. The main findings are that:residents of Mwanza wereaware that thelake was polluted mainly bytheir own activities, yettheyholdthe government responsible for its failure to control thedevastation. They also recognised that an effectivecommunicationframeworkamong thestakeholders toavert the devastation doesnotexist. It is, therefore, concluded that, there wasaneedtoinitiateastrategicpartnershipbetweenthegovernment andthemass mediatocurbtheincreasingpollutionon LakeVictoria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2591-6963
print ISSN: 1821-9632