The present paper explores trends and variations in trophy size among wildlife species hunted in the Ugalla Game Reserve (UGR) of western Tanzania, in relation to hunting success (animals shot species-1 quota-1). Data on trophy hunting from 2006 – 2010 were obtained from the UGR office in Tabora Region. Forty-seven species were targeted by trophy hunters. Hunting success differed significantly across the species (Generalised Linear Model [GLM] with a binomial error structure: deviance chi-square [X2] = 9.64, d.f. = 44, p<0.001). Twenty-eight species had trophy size measurements, but only 6 species had measurements taken consistently throughout the data period. Although most of the shot animals were above their minimum trophy size limits (official trophy limits below which animals could not be removed) there was significant variation among species (GLM with normal errors: F5,201 = 509.12, p<0.001). Time (years) had no significant effect on trophy size, but the trend over time in trophy size differed significantly among species (F5,194 = 5.42, p<0.001). Of the trophy species, greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) had the largest mean trophy size, whereas warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) had the lowest trophy size and showed a considerable decline. The majority of the animals had trophy sizes hovering just above their minimum limits. This should be monitored rigorously to avoid removing large numbers of actively breeding animals.