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Structural evolution of the Kilombero rift basin in central Tanzania
Most of these discontinuities show reverse sense of displacement different form the main Kilombero fault (which has a normal throw) though both of them have the same trend. One could argue that the discontinuities with reverse displacement pre-dates the main Cenozoic Kilombero rift, the later being formed by reactivation of the earlier. The discontinuities with reverse displacement could be of Permo-Triasic age associated with Karoo tectonics. It is also possible that the reverse discontinuities and the Kilombero rift are coeval but the reverse sense of displacement in the earlier is induced by large-scale block rotation. In this case, both the reverse discontinuities and the Kilombero rift could be of Permo Triasic age but reactivated during the Cenozoic period particularly along the main Kilombero Rift. However, both the reverse discontinuities and the Kilombero rift could also be of Cenozoic age and that the imprints of Permo-Triasic tectonics are missing in the study area. The Permo-Triastic deformation imprints could be developed further to the southeast of the area where they are not concealed by the Cenozoic cover in the Kilombero plain. Dating of these discontinuities is therefore recommended in order to distinguish those of Permo-Triasic and Cenozoic ages.
Tanz. J. Sci. Vol. 28(2) 2002: 55-68