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Effect of biosurfactants on the stability of anti-burn ointment of aqueous Morus alba leaf extract

Bouchher Saadia
Alouaoui Redha
Kouidri Mohamed
Ferhat Samira


Purpose: To evaluate the anti-burn activity of ointment formulation from Morus alba leaves aqueous extract (MAE) stabilized by a biomolecule product of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus.

Methods: Phytochemical study conducted on MAE includes moisture content, ash content, and pH. Prepared Morus alba leaf ointment was evaluated for organoleptic, consistency, pH, spreadability, and skin irritation study. The effect of temperature variations and physiological and environmental factors on stability was also determined. Anti-burn effectiveness of MAE ointment (250 mg) was tested on the burn skin model of male Albino rabbits.

Results: Morus alba leaves contain polyphenols, flavonoids, glycosides and tannins as active chemical components that are useful in infection. Flavonoids exhibit antioxidant activity with indirect inhibition of inflammatory markers. The MAE ointment showed good scores in all test parameters that were evaluated including appearance, texture, pH, spreading ability and non-irritant study. The ointment was stable at different temperatures, and physiological and environmental conditions, and was free from any bacterial contaminations that have the capacity to cause allergies, especially after the addition of stabilizers which kept the ointment stable for longer period.

Conclusion: Ointment formulated from MAE is physically, chemically and microbiologically stable and is effective in the treatment of burns in rabbit models. The MAE thus has promising therapeutic potential in the management of skin burns.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996