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Influence of DMSO on gene expression in bovine embryos: Exploring solvent-specific effect on substance dissolution in fertilization medium

Ramzi Amran
Ahmad Alhimaidi
Aiman Ammari


Purpose: To investigate the role of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a cryoprotectant and solvent in bovine embryogenesis, with a particular focus on its impact on gene expression during early and late developmental stages. Method: Bovine embryos were used to evaluate effects of DMSO on expression of genes critical to apoptosis and developmental processes. Gene expression analysis was performed to assess changes in both pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic markers, as well as genes essential for growth and survival. Results: Dimethyl sulfoxide influenced gene expression in a stage-specific manner. During early development, DMSO induced overexpression of the pro-apoptotic gene, BAX, and downregulated the anti-apoptotic gene, BCL2, indicating increased apoptotic activity. Furthermore, the expression of GDF9 and IGF1, which are crucial for growth and survival, was altered, suggesting interference with key developmental pathways. In contrast, late-stage embryos exhibited elevated levels of BCL2 and HSPB1, markers of anti-apoptotic activity, indicating a more complex regulatory role of DMSO at advanced stages of embryogenesis. Conclusion: While DMSO is effective as a cryoprotectant, its impact on gene expression raises concerns about potential developmental consequences. These findings highlight the need for further investigation to better understand the specific effects of DMSO in the context of assisted reproductive technologies (ART).  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996