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Effect of Qianliexin capsule on quality of life, NIH-CPSI score and IIEF-5 score in patients with prostatitis complicated with erectile dysfunction
Methods: Patients with prostatitis complicated with ED (128) who were treated from November 2015 to December 2017 participated in this study. The patients were assigned to two groups (64 per group) according to the treatment given: study group which was given routine treatment plus Qianliexin capsule, and control group which received routine treatment only. Clinical effectiveness, adverse reactions, Quality of Life-Bref (QOL-BREF) scores, etc, of the two groups were determined.
Results: The QOL-BREF score of the study group was significantly higher than that of the control group (p < 0.05). While NIH-CPSI scores were significantly decreased in both groups, the decrease in the study group was lower (p < 0.05). In contrast, IIEF-5 score significantly increased in both groups, but the increase in the study group was higher than in control (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Qianliexin capsule is an effective and reasonably safely drug for enhancing the quality of life, NIH-CPSI and IIEF-5 scores, as well as the lecithin bodies in prostatitis patients with ED.
Keywords: Qianliexin capsule, Prostatitis, Erectile dysfunction NIH-CPSI score, IIEF-5 score