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Ethnoveterinary survey of tradomedical importance of Bos taurus L urine, bile and dung in Nigeria and South Africa

Mariam O. Oyedeji-Amusa
Oladele T. Ojuromi
Anofi O. Ashafa


Purpose: To evaluate the ethnoveterinary uses of cow by-products from Nigeria and South Africa.

Methods: A field survey was conducted from January to September, 2015 by conducting interviews with 110 respondents who provided information in respect of the use of cow urine, bile and dung in their folk medicine in Nigeria and South Africa.

Results: Most respondents opined that urine therapy is effective in treating convulsion (50 %), viral infections (29.2 %), and rheumatic arthritis (14.6 %) in Nigeria. In South Africa respondents are of the view that urine is highly effective (28.6 %) in treating diarrhoea while 14.3 % stated that urine can treat fever, sore throat, skin infections. Bile is commonly used in treating general body pain and high blood pressure in Nigeria and used for skin burns in South Africa. Cow dung is specifically used in both countries as pesticides, fertilizers, anti-toxins and treating skin infections. This study documents the ethnoveterinary uses of B. taurus by products by traditional practitioners in Nigeria and South Africa.

Conclusion: There is need for further studies to validate the therapeutic potential of these products with regards to each of the ailments listed and isolation of the bioactive compounds in African species of B. taurus by-products.

Keywords: Ethnoveterinary, Urine, Bile, Dung, Bos taurus, Tradomedical, Folk medicine, Field survey

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996