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Essential Oil Composition of Two Grammosciadium DC Species, G. platycarpum (Boiss et Hausskn) Schischk and G. macrodon Boiss (Apiaceae), from Turkey

Ebru Yüce
Mehmet Yavuz Paksoy
Eyup Bagci


Purpose: To investigate and compare the essential oil composition of two Grammosciadium species obtained by hydrodistillation

Methods: The essential oil of the aerial parts of two species was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS).

Results: In G. platycarpum, twenty-seven compounds were identified representing 99.3 % of the total oil. The major constituents of the oil were limonene (28.4 %), β-pinene (16.1 %), β-selinene (15.9 %), δ- 3-carene (11.2 %), α-farnesene (6.0 %) and p - cymene (4.7 %). The oil of G. macrodon contained thirty-seven components representing 94.4 % of the total oil, with caryophyllene oxide (15.9 %), germacrene - D (12.4 %), β-caryophyllene (11.5 %), δ-3 - carene (10.1 %) and cyclohexane (4.6 %) as the main constituents.

Conclusion: The essential oil composition of G. macrodon was analysed for the first time, the most abundant constituents being caryophyllene oxide, and cyclohexane.

Keywords: Grammosciadium macrodon, Grammosciadium platycarpum, Essential oil, Limonene, Caryophyllene oxide, Germacrene - D, β-Caryophyllene, δ-3-Carene

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996