Submitted manuscripts to Tunisian Journal of Plant Protection (TJPP) should be emailed on Microsoft Word. It should be typed on one side page (A4 format) in 1.5 space (Times New Roman, 12), starting by the title in the center, followed by author names, their addresses, the corresponding author and its email address. Three abstracts are required: English, Arabic and French. The two latter come at the end of the manuscript. When necessary, TJPP may translate the English abstract into Arabic and/or French.
Abstracts start with the title of the manuscript and finish by the keywords with seven words at most, cited in an alphabetic order.
The other sections of the manuscript are: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement (if necessary), French and Arabic abstracts, and Literature Cited. Review articles and not divided Short communications and First reports are also published.

Tables should be cited in numeric order in the manuscript. They must be intelligible without reference to the text. The title should summarize the information presented in the table. Subheadings should be brief. Abbreviations are accepted but those which are not standard must be explained in footnotes. Figures should also be presented in numeric order. Captions should describe the contents, so each illustration is understandable when considered apart from the text. References in the text should be cited by the author name followed by the year, without comma. With more than one, references must be cited in their alphabetical order regardless their year order, separated by semicolon. Self-citation must not exceed 15% of the total citations. Manuscripts with at least 50% of their references from impacted papers are better considered.

In the Literature Cited, references must be reported in their original language when Latin alphabet is used, otherwise, they have to be translated to English between square brackets and their original language mentioned between brackets. They should be arranged in alphabetical order, with author last names, their initials, publication year, title, journal or other source, volume and page numbers. Examples below must be followed.
Article in a journal:
Haddar, T. 1989. Check list of weeds naturally infesting agricultural fields in northern Tunisia. Arab Journal of Plant Protection 7: 174-178.
Chapter in a book:
Nasraoui, B., and Lepoivre, P. 2003. Les champignons phytopathogènes. Pages 111-143 in: Phytopathologie, bases moléculaires et biologiques des pathosystèmes et fondements des stratégies de lutte. P. Lepoivre, Ed. Editions De Boeck Université, Belgium.
Medini, M., Hamza, S., Harrabi, M., and Lamari, L. 2003. Virulence of Mycosphaerella graminicola from Tunisia, Algeria and Canada. Pages 14-44. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Septoria and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals. December 8-12, 2003, Tunis, Tunisia.
Jarraya, A. 2003. Principaux nuisibles des plantes cultivées et des denrées stockées en Afrique du Nord: leur biologie, leurs ennemis naturels, leurs dégâts et leur contrôle. Maghreb Editions, Tunisia, 415 pp.
Chekali, S. 2015. Impact of the cultural techniques on the development of the root and crown Fusarium disease of cereals. Doctorate Thesis in Agronomic Sciences (Phytiatry), Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Université de Carthage, Tunisia, 130 pp.

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print ISSN: 1737-5436
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